
Pro Pack 30% Bodice Tailoring Patterns


  • Access to video lessons 24/7
  • Support from professional teachers
  • Frequency 4 Months 10 Teacher Requests
  • Final test and review of the sewing patterns
  • Download the certificate of participation
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Pro Pack Bodice Pattern Making Course

Online Course

4 Months of Attendance

With this promotional package you can create the sewing patterns for the basic bodice and the bodice with darts (with related set-in sleeves) at a 50% off. In this Pattern Making course you create sewing patterns for bodices using professional techniques (also suitable for CAD development) which allow you to have excellent construction bases for any pattern of jacket, waistcoat, shirt, t-shirt, blouse and many other patterns to include in your fashion collections and for any customer you want to please. Twenty-three Video Lessons for creating sewing patterns by accessing the video lessons at any time for the duration of four months where you will have a professional teacher available for any clarification. Furthermore, during registration you can choose the language and the unit of measurement (Cm or Inch). This is a pattern making course that offers business-style skills and where you are followed by professionals as if you were in your own laboratory to achieve precision and professionalism, but above all your goals.

What You Learn.


Sewing Patterns

Basic Bodice - Darts Bodice

The Bodice Pro Pack online pattern making course allows you to create sewing patterns for the basic bodice and the bodice with darts, with free access 24/7 to the video lessons. In this professional pattern making package, you create patterns in the sizes you want, following in-depth video lessons with descriptive captions and a downloadable e-book. With Fashion Academy Online you have no frequency limits because the lessons are on demand and you can access from your control panel at any time. Furthermore, you are followed by professionals who answer your questions in chat and in writing, clearly showing you corrections and how to execute the sewing patterns.
Learning how to make these two main tailoring patterns of bodices allows you to understand that at the basis of any model of outerwear, shirt, blouse, t-shirt or women's dress there is always either a basic bodice or a bodice with darts. The pattern maker, in fact, does not limit himself to making changes to an existing model but contributes to determining its style and wearability by creating any model transformation starting from the knowledge of the construction rules that distinguish these two fundamental models of pattern making. Precisely from these basic sewing patterns for bodices you can create any model, obtaining excellent fits with the certainty of the skills gained thanks to the consolidated method and suitable for anyone, as well as for those who are at their first approach also for those who work in CAD but would no longer know how to create a model starting from scratch. Through the Bodice Pro Pack Pattern Making Course, combining methodology and practice, you will be able not only to create shapes but quality fashion products.

The course includes:
• 23 video lessons for the construction of basic bodice and bodice with darts patterns (with related set-in sleeves)
• E-BOOK – Modeling. Sewing patterns for bodices
• review of paper patterns
• final quiz
• certificate of attendance
Fashion Courses

Payment can be made via:

1. PayPal
2. Credit/debit card
3. Google Pay

For payments by credit card, the activation of the course is immediate.

For information contacts us:

The student will obtain the Certificate of Professional Pattern Maker for Skirts following:
  • of the observation of the video lessons by the student who purchases the course

  • of the realization of the pattern in real size as a description in the video lessons

  • of the loading in the reserved area of the models made through photos with a measurement detector

  • after passing the written test by the student who purchased the course

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